5 Tips to Running a Successful Sales Team | QNET India

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running a sales team

We have already seen some of the tips and bits of advice that industry experts and legends have to give when it comes to running a successful sales team in a direct selling network marketing company. But that was just scraping the top of the barrel. Here are 5 more tips and tricks to make sure that your sales team remains motivated, inspired, and at the top of their game.

The volume-verses-value ratio

While it might seem like it goes against common sense, businessmen and industry experts who have had years of experience and knowledge will tell you that it is important that your highest value member, or most expensive ones, spend more time on lower volume activities and services. This is because these low volume services are the most important for a company’s success. This includes building relationships and partnerships, securing referrals and more.

This also means that you have to use your lower value team members to concentrate on high volume activities like turning current prospects into leads. Following such a formula can pay dividends in the future. Always remember, going after fewer, but better prospects are better than getting a ton of prospects that do not turn into anything in the future.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution

As a mentor and manager of your team, you should make sure that your sales team is safe from internal politics and bad sales behaviour. You should also make sure that it is easy for your team members to focus on the job in hand and work for their success and the success of the team.

Different people will require different styles of management. Some need to be motivated while others just need to be shown the way to success. As the leader, it is important that you find what makes the individuals in your teamwork and to use it to push your team to success.

Specialise early

While you should treat everyone the same in the real world, this rule needs a bit of tweaking when it comes to sales and sales teams. Not all salespeople are the same and each of them has their strength and preferences. One member of your team might be able to bring a large volume of business while the next might be better at building rapport and a connection with others.

To run a successful sales team, it is important to notice the skills and speciality of your team members, allow them to develop and use their skills to bring better business and profits.

Create a transparent organisation

Transparency means that everyone in the team must be able to know how you, their peers and the organisation as a whole is performing. A good sales team should know the goals and aspirations of its members and how much progress they are able to achieve.

Things like the target sales, number of calls, prospective leads etc should be available for the team to share and to coordinate with each other. In any network marketing direct selling company, the success of the company and the individual is dependent on the other individuals and their efforts.

Balance your efforts

It is only natural for you to want to give the best leads and opportunities to your bestseller. But that should not mean that there should be an imbalance in the system. You should invest in newer talents and people who are yet to prove themselves as they might be a diamond that just needs a bit of polishing.

You can run a profitable business in a number of ways. But to allow your business to reach its maximum potential, you should trust in your sales team, help them to develop and allow them to explore.

With these simple and effective tips from some of the best in the industry, you can take your business and your sales figures to new heights.

Read More: Goal Setting in QNET Direct Selling

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