5 Surprising Uses of Cold Pressed Coconut Oil with Nutriplus 

Cold pressed coconut oil

Coconut oil has been a staple in many households for a long time, and with its newfound importance in recent years, it will continue to be a staple for decades to come. As a powerhouse of beneficial nutrients, coconut oil is a versatile elixir of health. It carries a plethora of benefits due to which it’s not only used as a cooking oil but also as a natural beauty product. In many cultures, oiling the hair with coconut oil is a revered tradition; others commonly use it to moisturize their skin. Aside from using it for culinary purposes or conditioning the hair, cold pressed coconut oil has a lot of other clever uses that can significantly improve your standard of living. Before we list those, let’s discuss cold pressed coconut oil a little more.

What is Cold Pressed Coconut Oil? 

cold pressed coconut virgin oil

Cold pressed coconut oil is produced without the use of heat. The raw coconut meat is pressed to extract the oil between rotating circular presses at a temperature of around 120ºF. Although this method extracts a relatively lesser amount of oil, it provides the highest quality of oil as it retains its purity, rich aroma and flavor of fresh coconuts, and nutritional benefits. Thus, it is considered the rawest and most organic. In the day and age of artificial modifications and added chemicals and pesticides, the cold pressed method ensures that the coconut oil remains safe and assures high quality and purity.

One such example of pure cold pressed coconut oil is the Nutriplus Virgin Coconut oil which is the perfect embodiment of purity and sustainability. The Nutriplus VCO is made using the cold extraction process from fresh, pristine coconuts from Kerala. It is free of added chemicals, adulterants and preservatives to ensure its completely natural state. The oil is imbued with strong antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Furthermore, the Nutriplus VCO is also an effective source of anti-ageing and antioxidant molecules.

Since QNET takes conscious measures to ensure that they are contributing towards the betterment of the environment, the Nutriplus VCO oil is created sustainably and environmentally friendly. It is also packaged in glass bottles to refute the usage of plastic packaging. The cold pressed Nutriplus Virgin Coconut oil harbours many nutritional components, which make it one of the best versatile oils to exist. Here are a few surprising uses of cold pressed coconut oil that you were probably not aware of.

5 Uncommon Uses of Cold Pressed Coconut Oil 

1. Natural Makeup Remover

A woman holding coconut oil and a coconut

 Recent research has suggested that makeup remover wipes are extremely detrimental to the environment since they are non-biodegradable and contain harsh ingredients that could be bad for the skin. Thus, shifting to an environment-friendly way to take your makeup off can be beneficial not only for your skin but also the environment.

Cold pressed coconut oil is one such alternative that effectively removes makeup. You can take a few drops of coconut oil and massage it onto your face with your fingers – no tissues/cloth necessary. Once the makeup has been seamlessly removed, you can rinse your face with water. Aside from removing makeup, coconut oil can also work its magic by providing extra hydration and moisture to your skin.

2. Oral Hygiene Companion 

An ancient Ayurvedic hack that has gained prominence over recent years, coconut oil pulling is one of the most effective ways to keep your oral health in check. It is an oral detoxification procedure that’s simply done by swishing a tablespoon of cold pressed coconut oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. The oil essentially goes into the crevices of your mouth and sucks the dirt out in order to create a clean, antiseptic oral environment. Such an environment contributes to the proper flow of dental liquid required to prevent cavities and diseases. It helps in preventing plaque formation by eliminating plaque-causing bacteria.

 Coconut oil is packed with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which help in treating, if not all, but most mouth ailments. It treats bleeding gums, bad breath, tooth decay, and more. Additionally, coconut oil pulling helps whiten teeth by removing plaque buildup. Thus, cold pressed coconut oil provides complete bacteria protection and improves overall oral health.

3. Effective Treatment from Itchy Bug Bites 

    One of the greatest natural cures for mosquito bites is coconut oil. It has excellent anti-inflammatory effects, which aid in the relief of mosquito bite discomfort. It is also an excellent antimicrobial agent that aids in preventing infections. The coconut oil-derived free fatty acid mixture comprising lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid provides strong repellency against insects, bugs and mosquitos for over one week. When applied to the bug bite, the coconut oil forms a thin protective layer on the skin’s affected area. This helps protect it from further bacteria. It prevents any germs from entering the body through the bite. According to experts, coconut oil is said to provide longer-lasting protection than any other known repellent against insects.

    4. Decreases the Appearance of Stretch Marks 

    Having stretch marks is extremely common and a normal part of the body. However, due to the cultural stigma, many tend to perceive them as unattractive and want to get rid of them. Coconut oil is one of the most natural ways to combat with stretch marks. Coconut oil is imbued with strong moisturizing properties that prevent water loss from the skin’s epidermis. This help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized. It also boosts the production of collagen and protects the skin from UV rays – all of which help decrease the appearance of stretch marks. It can also promote healing and prevents stretch marks from occurring again. Since the multifaceted oil is also rich in antioxidants. It helps fight harmful free radicals, improve the appearance of stretch marks, and provide nourishment to the skin.

    5. Adds Shine to Your Wooden Furniture

    The last surprising use of coconut oil can renew your old dusty furniture in no time. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats and Vitamin E. Due to this, it locks moisture in and conditions the wooden surfaces, preventing it from expanding and contracting. This helps in making the furniture more durable and can leave it looking good as new. Since coconut oil has 90% saturated fat content, it makes it resistant to rancidity. This helps in preventing the growth of mould and bacteria that can decompose the wood.

    The oil is imbued with many antibacterial properties and saturated fats, which can be an excellent conditioner for wooden surfaces. It can be even be used for wood treatment and as a wood stain carrier. Moreover, it also helps repel dust and eliminate tough stains and grease while giving a pleasant aroma. In order to get a more durable and long-lasting wood finish, you can combine cold-pressed coconut oil with beeswax for the best results.

    Thus, these are the 5 surprising uses of the miracle elixir called cold pressed coconut oil. The multi-purpose oil encompasses innumerable benefits that go much beyond its culinary purposes. Since it is packed with many nutrients, coconut oil benefits your body from your head to your toes and even helps refurbish your home furniture. Being the epitome of versatility, enhance your lifestyle with Nutriplus Virgin Coconut oil and explore the superfood’s unique uses first-hand!

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