Are you Low on Immune? Signs of Weak Immunity

Weak immunity can increase chances of infection

It is the immune system which protects the body from infection. People with weak immunity are more likely to contract infections frequently. A variety of diseases and disorders can erode the immune system and put a person at risk for infection. Often, these disorders result from environmental factors, while others are inherited. They can range in severity from mild to severe.

Immunity works to protect the body from harmful pathogens and other external threats, preventing a variety of infectious and debilitating diseases. When an individual has weak immunity, they are more likely to contract a number of illnesses, including certain serious conditions.

Dry Eyes

What Is Dry Eye? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment - American Academy of  Ophthalmology

It is known that autoimmune disorders cause the immune system to attack your body instead of being able to defend it. Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are two examples. Nervousness can also result from a sluggish immune system, even if you get enough sleep. Despite performing not highly intensive tasks, people with autoimmune disorders experience fatigue and low energy levels. They may also experience dry eyes, which may feel gritty and sandy. Some people find they can’t cry when they’re upset even when experiencing pain, redness, a stringy discharge, or blurred vision.


Fatigue: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Experiencing extreme fatigue, such as when you have the flu, can indicate that your body is under attack. Sleeping won’t help. Your muscles and joints can ache, too. There are a million other possible reasons why feeling this way could be happening.

Autoimmune diseases

Often, autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system incorrectly attacks its own cells. In patients with weak immune systems, their immune systems may overact or underact in an abnormal way. An overactive immune system increases the risk of developing an autoimmune disease.

Organ inflammation

It is possible to lose the immune system due to organ inflammation. Organ inflammation is caused by toxins, pathogens, trauma, heat, etc. Any injury to the body tissues that results in inflammation is likely to result in weakened immunity.

Slow Healing

After getting a burn, cut, or scrape, your skin goes into damage control mode. Your body works to repair the wound by sending nourishment-rich blood to heal the wound. When the skin suffers damage, it is the healthy immune cells which help to regenerate new skin quickly. A weak immune system can make wound healing very slow. Healthy immune cells contribute to this healing process. If you have a sluggish immune system, your skin won’t heal. Instead, your wounds linger and don’t heal.

Digestive problems

Lower Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract Disorders | Gleneagles Hospital

Many scientists believe that weak digestive systems are the culprit behind most diseases. Digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating are indications of a weak immune system. You need to have healthy gut bacteria to have a healthy immune system. When you have healthy gut bacteria, your immune system is also healthy. But if it’s out of balance, so is your immune system. As a result of food sensitivities, our immune systems become imbalanced because food, especially undigested proteins, look like viruses and bacteria and our immune system creates antibodies to combat them. It’s a sign that your immune system is weakened if you’re suffering from digestive issues like diarrhea, stomach infections, and nausea consistently. If your gut is not healthy, it’s likely that your immunity is not all that great, as bacteria and cells reside in your gut and play a vital role in your immune system.

Frequent infections

Infections become more likely when our white blood cells decline. “It has been scientifically proven that if you have more than five ear infections, chronic bacterial sinusitis, or have other infections, your immune system will decrease. A nutritionist recommends boosting your immune system if you’ve experienced two or more pneumonia or have needed three or more courses of antibiotics a year.


Allergies Overview: Symptoms, Treatments, and More

An allergy occurs when the immune system overreacts to harmless substances, such as dust, mold, or pollen. Your immune system may produce antibodies that attack the allergen, causing an allergic reaction to occur. It means your immune system is low and overreacting to the allergen. Wheezing, itching, a runny nose, watery eyes or itchiness are signs of weak immunity.

Hair Loss

In Alopecia areata, hair loss results from the immune system attacking the hair follicles, which in turn causes hair loss. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that affects the scalp. When you are experiencing hair loss in patches, it is highly likely that you have a weak immune system. Alopecia areata is a severe form of this condition. It can also cause loss of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Mouth Ulcers

If your immune system is low and you have any weakness or breakdown of skin on the cheek, lip, or tongue, you are more likely to develop a mouth ulcer. Stress is one of the leading causes of mouth ulcers amongst adults today. And stress is one of the major symptoms of low immunity.

When a person has a weak immunity, they might be frequently catching infections because their immune system is compromised. The immune system consists of several types of cells including blood cells and organs. The ingredients in Nutriplus ImmunHealth are clinically proven and contain essential micronutrients known to boost the immune system. Phytonutrients are also included, which enhance the immune system. If a person finds themselves frequently getting infections, it could be a sign that their immune system is weak. It is a large system of blood cells and organs which protects the body from harmful germs that can cause illness.

Nutriplus ImmunHealth For Better Immunity

If you want to boost your immunity, then Nutriplus ImmunHealth is the correct product for it. Made with immunity-boosting ingredients like Guduchi satwa, and papaya leaf extra, Nutriplus ImmunHealth is the best immunity boosting health supplement available on the market. You can read more about Nutriplus ImmunHealth and why it is important in this article here.

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