SHARP QNET ZENsational Air Purifier Benefits

With HEPA technology filters, SHARP QNET ZENsational air purifiers can remove 99.99% of the airborne particulate matter (PM) circulating in your home. Removing these pollutants can help you sleep better and live longer, thanks to the benefits of clean air. HEPA filters are found in household air purifiers, which capture all pollutants for clean air. Using HEPA filters, fine fibreglass threads are woven into layers of mesh, thinner than hair, and thus trap the pollens, dust mites, and pet dander circulating in the home.

When you have SHARP QNET ZENsational air filtration system installed in your home, you can be assured that the air in and around your home is free of harmful contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and other types of harmful particles. You can also improve the functioning of your AC system, and it makes it easier to keep your house clean.

Sharp QNET ZENsational air purifiers include pre-filters to capture larger particles so that your HEPA filter can remain effective in capturing smaller pathogens. This system extends your air purifier’s lifespan. When you have an effective air purifier in your home, the air remains free from pollutants, reducing the chances of asthma attacks.

Eliminates Harmful Chemicals from Indoor Environments

SHARP QNET ZENsational keeps you safe from indoor air pollution.

Even closing your windows and doors may not ensure that external pollutants are kept outside. Nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide are frequently found in areas where there is high motor vehicle traffic and may seep into your home.

It is still possible that your home atmosphere is polluted by toxins, even if you do not live in large cities with a lot of traffic. Many household cleaners contain toxic chemicals such as ammonia, chlorine, and phthalates. It may appear harmless to be exposed to these chemicals in small quantities, but regular exposure can result in serious health issues like tumours, cancer, cardiovascular disease, or neurological disorders.

Sharp Qnet Zensational air purifier uses a highly porous form of carbon to catch these chemicals, recirculating fresh air back into the room. This method prevents several health problems associated with chemical contaminants.

Neutralizes Unpleasant Odors

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as gasoline, benzene, and formaldehyde, release odours when they decompose at room temperature. You can find VOCs in paints, aerosol sprays, upholstery, and air fresheners. You can feel nauseated, breathless, and even lose your memory if you inhale odours from VOCs.

The use of HEPA and activated carbon filters in air purifiers are effective in reducing indoor pollutants through the trapping of gases as well as particles.

Reduces the Chances of Airborne Diseases

In a family, it is not unusual for members to get sick when one family member catches the flu. Airborne diseases such as the common cold and flu spread through tiny pathogens that float around. People are infecting each other with viruses and bacteria through inhaling the same air.

These bacteria and viruses are captured by Sharp Qnet Zensational air purifier systems with HEPA filters. By eliminating the cause of airborne diseases, you are protecting yourself and your family. A good air purifier is essential for people with weak immune systems, such as elderly people, children, and babies.

Improves Sleep

6 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep | Colter Reed

A runny nose can be a symptom of hay fever caused by indoor allergens that include bacteria, fungi, and dust mites. Allergy symptoms may last several weeks. Some of the allergy symptoms disrupting your sleep include sneezing, coughing, congestion in the nose, watery eyes, and sore throats.

Having an insufficient sleep can cause drowsiness during the day, which makes you less productive the next morning. Sharp Qnet Zensational air purifier will prevent these disruptions as they remove the majority of allergens from your room, which will make sleeping better.

Removes Harmful Radon

The breakdown of naturally occurring radioactive elements such as uranium in certain building materials produces radon gas. Radon is a colourless, odourless gas that is released from rocks, soils, and granite.

The radon gas that causes lung cancer can seep through cracks in the floor, walls, or plasterwork. Radon gas damages lung cells by damaging the lining of the lungs. 

Activated carbon and HEPA filters can trap radon gas and particles, reducing the risk of exposure to the substance.

Can Increase Life Expectancy

Chemicals from common household products may accumulate in your lungs, affecting your respiratory, cardiovascular, and even neurological functions. Due to their small size, airborne particles penetrate the blood-brain barrier, affecting your cognitive function and your brain. You will have better air quality with an air purifier that can trap even fine particles.

Improve Productivity in the Workplace

In spite of the fact that poor air quality might seem insignificant to a business, it can negatively impact its productivity, sick days, and overall employee health. We often see an increase in cold and flu symptoms in the winter, and spring brings troublesome allergies. You may find seasonality in higher sick days or decreased productivity in certain times of the day or even during certain months. Your employees will be much more comfortable, distraction-free, and healthy if Sharp QNET ZENsational air purifier is installed in the workspace.

Protects skin from toxins 

In addition to removing pollutants from your indoor air, air purifiers also protect your skin against toxins that cause itchiness, acne, and other unpleasant skin conditions. Air purifiers are helpful in keeping your skin germ-free, preventing premature ageing.

In addition to cleaning the air, Sharp Qnet Zensational air purifier has many other benefits, such as filtering out harmful particles from our air. The air we breathe is filled with multiple particles, such as chemicals that might possess a hazardous effect on our health. The best air purifiers on the market use superior filters that are almost 100% effective at trapping harmful particles suspended in the air. Sharp Qnet Zensational air purifier uses advanced filtration technology capable of trapping harmful particles suspended in the air. Air purifier maintenance includes regular replacement of the filters to ensure air quality and durability. Other enhancements include unmatched airflow and a high filter rating.

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