Creating a Strong Word of Mouth Marketing Strategy

word of mouth marketing strategy

A good word of mouth strategy is the lifeblood of top direct marketing companies in Asia like QNET. We have already seen why a strong word of mouth marketing strategy is important. Now it’s time to see how you can build one for your direct selling network marketing business. Here are some things that you can do to convince your customers to put in a good word for you to their friends and family.

Set up a Word of Mouth Trigger

Sometimes, all that you have to do to get your customers to talk about your product and company is to give them a trigger. This is why referral codes and rewards for referring others are such a prominent part of any business today.

You could even come up with a campaign of give-away to give your word of mouth marketing a boost ever so often.

Using Visual Triggers

QNET did an amazing job at this with their ‘I Love QNET’ contest. By giving your customers a chance to take a picture with their favourite QNET product and asking them to share it with a promise of a grand prize for the winner, QNET was able to indirectly able to create a marketing strategy that paid back huge dividends.

You can also accomplish this by creating a visually stunning and unique website that people can’t help but share.

Create Something Unique

One of the best ways to create some buzz around your company is by creating something new and out of the box that triggers your customers to spread the word about your direct selling networking company.

I remember when in 2012, Dollar Shave Club came up with a unique and never seen before means of selling their shaving products as a monthly grooming package. Not only did they blow up as a company, but they also gained more than 12000 customers in the first 48 hours of their YouTube ad going live!

Emotional Provocation

Tapping into your customer’s emotions and getting them to generate shares and leads is a powerful tool when it comes to creating a successful direct selling network marketing business. This is why some of the top direct selling companies in Asia are heavily involved with charities and helping a good cause.

For instance, Qnet has partnered with RYTHM foundation to bring joy and happiness to millions of people around the world.

Encourage User-Generated Content

Encouraging your customers to create their content around your product can be the easiest and most effective means of creating a strong word of mouth campaign. When compared to the promotional content created by the company, it is more shareable, feels more authentic and genuine. Some studies have found that more than 80% of users find user-generated content to be more influential than content made by the brand when deciding on their purchase.

Ratings and Reviews

Even if a person does not have dozens of friends that he or she can refer to your business, you can leverage the person’s experience with the help of positive feedbacks. Most successful eCommerce websites have dedicated sections for reviews and feedback on the product that many uses to get a better understanding of the product.

Know Your Customer LTV

LTV or Lifetime Value is a key caveat that decides how much you should spend on your customers. There is no point spending 100 rupees on advertising to a customer who is only going to spend 50 rupees on your product.

Why Word of Mouth Marketing is so Crucial?

Word of mouth has always been a crucial part of any successful top direct selling company in Asia. However, a good word of mouth marketing strategy is more important than ever today thanks to the influence of social media and the advancements of the internet. With these simple techniques, you will be able to take your direct selling network marketing company to new heights.

Any top direct selling company or business that needs to break out and make it big has to take full utilisation of word of mouth marketing. Many of the top direct selling companies do not invest in ads or conventional media and are heavily dependent on word of mouth marketing.

Word of mouth marketing also adds the advantage of trust and reliability. Multiple studies have found that people are more trusting of products and services that has been recommended to them by a friend or family member.

So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India website and start your journey as a successful direct selling entrepreneur.

Read more: How to be financially Independent? | QNET India

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