Direct selling vs Traditional Business: Which is better?

Direct selling is one of the biggest and fastest-growing industry in the country and the world. Currently, India is ranked 15th globally when it comes to the direct selling business and is home to some of the top companies in the world, like QNET. The industry is expected to gross more than Rs. 65000 crore by 2025 and also provide employment to 18 million people, many of them women.

But when people think of starting a business, direct selling is not what comes to their mind. Most of us have become so accustomed to the traditional business model that we only think of it as legitimate businesses. This is a shame as direct selling companies like QNET has a number of advantages over traditional businesses. Here are some of the benefits of starting a direct selling business to a traditional one.

Very Low Investment

As someone who has tried his hand at starting a business, there is a lot of money involved in the process. You have to pay for the physical shop, licenses, inventory and employees depending on the type of business you are running. However, direct selling businesses like QNET does not require you to spend money on any of the above. All you have to do is pay for the inventory. You will be given access to an online office through the QNET login. You also do not have to get employees as you will be getting more people in your sales team, who will also be selling the product to make profits.

Trusted Products

One of the biggest hurdle when it comes to starting a startup is the question of what do you sell. Coming up with a new product of its own takes years of research and development. It also costs a lot of money to create the product and to market. But when you become a QNET direct seller, you will be selling products that have already been developed and marketed. These products from QNET includes some of the best health supplements from Nutriplus, home and lifestyle products from KENT and SHARP. QNET also does most of the marketing for the products, meaning that you only have to make the sale.

True Flexibility

Starting a business allows you to be your own boss and to achieve a flexible work schedule. However, these businesses do not allow you to be truly flexible. Even if you are the boss of your business, you are bound by what people expect. By being a direct seller for QNET, you will be able to decide how many hours of the week that you will be willing to spend on the business.

Second Source of Income

Most businesses do not work as a second source of income but as the primary one. Running a business while also working full time can be a hard task for most of us. But anyone can do direct selling while still holding a job or running another business. It comes back to the idea of true flexibility. It also allows you to be financially independent.

As you can see, direct selling is one of the best and most attractive means of starting a business for most of us. So what are you waiting for?

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