Financial Independence With QNET


The global COVID19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill and its effects are visible in all spheres of life. And if there is one aspect that is as worrying as the disease itself, it is the toll that it had on global finance and job market. Unemployment around the world is at an all-time high and even for the ones that are lucky enough to be not furloughed or terminated, their position in the company is no longer as safe and secure as it once was. But amidst the global confusion and fear, Qnet and the direct selling industry as a whole has once again proven that it can stand up to the challenge. As more and more people are looking for alternate sources of income and to be their own bosses, the direct selling industry is only expected to grow larger and more diverse. Here’s how to achieve financial independence with QNET.

But what makes being a Qnet distributor better than a conventional office job? How does it allow you to be an independent entrepreneur?

Qnet allows you to be your own boss

The most attractive aspect of being a Qnet distributor is that it allows you to be your own boss. You get to decide what is to be done and how many hours you have willing to do it for. You only answer to yourself and your success is dependent on well you perform.

Direct selling allows you to have complete control over your business and how it is run. It is up to you to decide what your business plan and priorities are, whether you need a sales team and more. All these make direct selling an attractive career option, especially for students, retirees, stay at home parents, caregivers and more.

An alternate source of income

Ask any sensible millionaire and they will tell you that the most important secret on the path to riches is to diversify your portfolio and to have alternate sources of income. This has become even more relevant in the present day as many of us have found our primary source of income affected or even completely shut down due to the lockdown restrictions. Qnet allows you to start your own business and have a secondary source of income. It allows you to have a minimum risk, low to zero investment, work-from-home alternative to regular jobs, that has proven to prosper in the current climate.

Low investment requirements

As per the guidelines issued by the government of India in 2016, direct selling companies are no longer allowed to charge any enrollment or start-up fee. This means that the entry into the market is free and there is no longer any compulsion on product purchases. This means that anyone who wishes to test the industry before venturing into it can do it without any risk or worry. All this makes direct selling a viable means of income during economic crises and weakening disposable income in the country.

A work-from-home lifestyle

While more and more companies are embracing the work-from-home culture, direct selling has always been a home-based affair. Your office can be your study, your bedroom or even your kitchen. The amount of freedom and flexibility that Qnet promises makes it an attractive means of income for many. And thanks to the developments in technology and media, one can make effective use of the internet and social media to widen your range and bring more customer base. The increase in demand for facilities like video conference, webinars, FB Live extra only proves that the workspace of the modern person is in the comfort of his or her own home.


With the threat of a global economic crisis still very real, direct selling is one of the best and most reliable means of generating cash. It works well as a primary or secondary source of income and the profits are only limited by the amount of effort you are willing to put into it. Qnet is a legitimate player in the field and operates according to the guidelines laid down by the government, with a risk-free and minimum investment model, bring a ray of hope to the Indian economy and millions of people working with it. QNET India has allowed these people to achieve financial independence and to build their own future. So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India website and start your journey to financial independence.

Read More: Why is QNET direct selling ideal for Women?

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