Here are Signs Your Body lacks Immunity | Nutriplus ImmunHealth

The immune system defends the body against infection. People with a weakened immune system are more prone to become infected on a regular basis. A wide range of illnesses and disorders can weaken the immune system and put a person at risk of infection. These illnesses are frequently caused by environmental causes, while others are hereditary. They might range from moderate to severe in intensity. Immunity protects the body from dangerous microorganisms and other external dangers, hence avoiding a wide range of infectious and severe illnesses. When a person’s immune system is compromised, they are more vulnerable to catch a variety of illnesses, including serious disorders. If you are suffering from weak immunity, then Nutriplus ImmunHealth is the best supplement for you. Here are some signs that you lack immunity and require Nutriplus ImmunHealth. You can get your Nutriplus ImmunHealth from the QNET India eStore!

Dry Eyes

It is well understood that autoimmune illnesses force your immune system to fight your body rather than defend it. Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are two such diseases. Even if you get adequate sleep, a sluggish immune system might cause nervousness. People with autoimmune illnesses suffer weariness and low energy levels despite undertaking non-intensive chores. They may also have dry eyes that feel gritty and dusty. Some people find it difficult to weep when they are angry, even though they are in pain, have redness, a stringy discharge, or have hazy vision.


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Excessive weariness, such as when you have the flu, might signal that your body is being attacked. Sleeping will not help. Muscles and joints might also hurt. There are a million different reasons why you could be feeling this way.

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune illnesses frequently develop when the body’s immune system improperly assaults its own cells. Immune systems in persons with weakened immune systems may overreact or underreact abnormally. An hyperactive immune system raises the likelihood of acquiring an autoimmune illness.

Organ inflammation

It is possible to lose one’s immune system as a result of organ inflammation. Toxins, viruses, trauma, heat, and other factors can all induce organ inflammation. Any insult to the bodily tissues that causes inflammation is likely to impair immunity. Due to organ inflammation, it is possible to lose one’s immune system. Toxins, infections, trauma, heat, and other factors promote organ inflammation. Any insult to the bodily tissues that causes inflammation is likely to impair immunity.

Slow Healing

After a burn, cut, or scrape, your skin enters damage control mode. Your body strives to heal the wound by delivering nutrient-rich blood to it. When the skin is damaged, it is the healthy immune cells that aid in the rapid regeneration of new skin. Wound healing can be slowed by a weakened immune system. This healing process is aided by healthy immune cells. Your skin will not recover if you have a slow immune system. Your wounds, on the other hand, persist and do not heal.

Digestive problems

Many experts believe that most illnesses are caused by weakened digestive systems. Digestive problems including diarrhoea, constipation, and bloating indicate a weakened immune system. To have a strong immune system, you must have healthy gut flora. When your gut bacteria are healthy, your immune system is healthy as well. However, if it is out of balance, your immune system suffers. Our immune systems become unbalanced as a result of food sensitivities because food, particularly undigested proteins, resemble viruses and bacteria, and our immune system produces antibodies to resist them. If you constantly suffer from digestive disorders such as diarrhoea, stomach infections, and nausea, it’s an indication that your immune system is impaired. If your gut isn’t healthy, it’s probable that your immunity isn’t either, because bacteria and cells in your gut play an important part in your immune system. Making Nutriplus health supplements like Nutriplus GutHealth and Nutriplus FibreFit a daily part of your routine can also help reduce digestive problems.

Frequent infections

Infections become more frequent when our white blood cell count declines. It has been scientifically shown that if you have more than five ear infections, persistent bacterial sinusitis, or other illnesses, your immune system will suffer. If you’ve had two or more pneumonias or three or more courses of antibiotics in a year, a nutritionist suggests increasing your immune system.


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When the immune system overreacts to innocuous things such as dust, mould, or pollen, an allergy develops. Your immune system may generate antibodies that fight the allergen, resulting in an allergic response. It indicates that your immune system is weak and hypersensitive to the allergen. Wheezing, itching, a runny nose, watery eyes, or itchy are all symptoms of a weakened immune system.

Hair Loss

Hair loss in Alopecia areata is caused by the immune system attacking the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Alopecia areata is a scalp-specific autoimmune illness. It is quite likely that you have a weakened immune system if you are suffering patchy hair loss. Alopecia areata is a severe manifestation of this disease. It can also induce brow and eyelash loss.

Mouth Ulcers

You are more prone to develop a mouth ulcer if your immune system is compromised and you have any weakening or breakdown of skin on your cheek, lip, or tongue. Stress is one of the most common causes of mouth ulcers in people nowadays. And one of the most common indications of a weakened immune system is stress.

Because a person’s immune system is damaged when they have a weak immune system, they may be susceptible to infections on a regular basis. The immune system is made up of several types of cells, including blood cells and organs. Nutriplus ImmunHealth’s components are clinically validated and comprise important micronutrients known to improve the immune system. Phytonutrients, which boost the immune system, are also included. If a person gets infections regularly, it might be an indication that their immune system is weak. It is a huge system of blood cells and organs that defends the body from potentially hazardous bacteria.

So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India eStore and get your pack of Nutriplus ImmunHealth today! Or buy any one of the other multitudes of QNET India products to improve your health and lifestyle!

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