Want to Prevent Diabetes? Here’s How you can do it Naturally

A person with prediabetes has elevated blood sugar but not enough to qualify for a diabetes diagnosis. Fortunately, prediabetes does not progress directly to Diabetes. In order to reduce the risk of diabetes, it is important to make lifestyle changes. These changes may prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, which is the most commonly occurring form. If you have a family history of diabetes or are overweight or obese, you are at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you are diagnosed with prediabetes — elevated blood sugar levels not reaching the stage of diabetes diagnosis — you can delay or prevent the development of the disease.

Lose extra weight

Weight Loss Mistakes: 10 Mistakes You Can Avoid While Trying To Lose Weight

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health showed that losing approximately 7% of your body weight with proper exercise and dietary changes reduced your diabetes risk by almost 60%. In order to decrease their risk of developing diabetes, people with prediabetes should lose between 7% and 10% of their body weight. Losing more weight will have even more positive effects. Getting enough vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates in your diet can benefit your health. Carbohydrates include sugars, starches and fibre, which the body uses as energy. A fibre-containing food, also known as roughage or bulk, is something that the body cannot digest or absorb.

Cut Sugar and Refined Carbs From Your Diet

Cutting down sugar can help prevent diabetes.

At-risk individuals who eat sugary foods and refined carbs are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Your body breaks down these foods quickly into small sugar molecules that are absorbed. A rise in blood sugar causes your pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin helps your body’s cells absorb sugar and helps it leave your bloodstream. People with prediabetes have resistant cells to insulin, so the sugar in the blood remains high. Over time, higher blood sugar and insulin levels can result as the pancreas tries to bring blood sugar down to a healthy level. This, in turn, can potentially lead to type 2 diabetes. Avoiding foods that are high in refined carbs and sugar may help reduce your risk of Diabetes. Foods high in refined carbs and sugar raise blood sugar levels and insulin levels over time. You can also turn to sugar alternatives like Natose Stevia or Nutriplus Monofloral Honey to improve your health.

Work Out Regularly

10-Minute Full-Body Workout You Can Do at Home

By exercising regularly, you increase your cells’ insulin sensitivity. As a result, less insulin is needed to maintain your blood sugar levels when you exercise. Exercise increases insulin sensitivity by 51% in people with prediabetes, and exercise increases it by 85% in those with Diabetes. However, this effect only occurs on workout days. Exercise such as aerobic exercise, high-intensity interval training, and strength training may reduce insulin resistance and blood sugar levels in overweight, obese, and prediabetic adults. Being physically active regularly can improve insulin secretion and sensitivity, which can prevent prediabetes from progressing to Diabetes. Being physically active regularly can improve insulin secretion and sensitivity, which can prevent prediabetes from progressing to Diabetes. 

Drink Water as Your Primary Beverage

Drink lots of water

Drinking water whenever possible is the most natural beverage to consume. Furthermore, staying away from drinks that are high in sugar, preservatives, and other questionable ingredients is essential. In adults over 18 years of age, sugary beverages such as soda and punch are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LAD). While type 1 diabetes presents acute symptoms when it begins, type 2 diabetes develops more slowly and requires more treatment as the disease progresses. Regularly drinking water may reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, thereby reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Prediabetes is often characterized by excess fat around the midsection and in the liver. The presence of excess visceral fat encourages inflammation and insulin resistance, which lead to Diabetes. The more you lose, the more health benefits you’ll experience, even if you lose only a little weight. According to one study, for every kilogram (2.2 pounds) that people with prediabetes lost, their risk of diabetes was reduced by 16%, and the reduction reached 96% in the highest group.

You can lose weight in a variety of healthy ways, including low-carb, Mediterranean, paleo and vegetarian diets. However, your ability to maintain your weight loss depends on the way you eat. Losing weight significantly reduces the chances of developing Diabetes, particularly in the abdominal area, which carries excess weight.

Quit Smoking

Stop smoking to prevent diabetes.

Numerous serious health conditions can be triggered or aggravated by smoking, such as heart disease, emphysema, lung, breast, prostate, and digestive tract cancers. Additionally, smoking and being exposed to second-hand smoke are linked to type 2 diabetes. According to a study of more than one million people, smoking significantly increases the risk of diabetes by 44% for average smokers and 61% for those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day.

Eat a High-Fiber Diet

high fibre food can help prevent diabetes

Researchers have found that fibre can help keep blood sugar levels and insulin levels low in obese, elderly, and prediabetic individuals. As we mentioned, fibre is divided into two categories: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fibre doesn’t absorb water, but soluble fibre and water do, and soluble fibre and water are combined in the digestive tract to form a gel that prevents food from being absorbed as quickly. Similarly, soluble fibre can contribute to a more gradual rise in blood sugar levels, as well as a reduced risk of diabetes, although the exact mechanism is unclear. You can also use the Nutriplus FibreFit to add fibre to any meal or beverage of your choosing.

Prevent Diabetes with Nutriplus DiabaHealth

Consider prediabetes as a motivator for making healthy lifestyle changes rather than as a stepping-stone to diabetes. Among the many benefits of Nutriplus DiabaHealth, a 100% natural product, is that it contains a combination of herbs and plant extracts that are proven to treat blood sugar management problems. There are ten different ingredients in the formulation. The key ingredient, Kino (Malabar kino), contains an active principal antioxidant called epicatechin, which is known to mimic insulin in the body. Maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and insulin level by eating the right foods and adopting other lifestyle habits will help you avoid diabetes.

Get your pack of Nutriplus DiabaHealth from the QNTE Indie eStore today! Or read this article from Journey with QNET to learn more about Nutriplus products.

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