How QNET helps in Women Empowerment


Today, we can be happy that women empowerment has come a long way. However, there are so much more things that need to be done, but we are well on the way! And when it comes to empowering women, having a source of income or a business to run is one of the most important and effective in it. And when it comes to helping women to earn a paycheque, then direct selling companies like QNET are a major player. In fact, more than 50% of direct sellers global are women. The figures are almost similar in India, with nearly 53% of the 5.1 billion direct selling entrepreneurs. But what makes a direct selling company like QNET such a valuable tool in empowering women? Here are means by which direct selling companies like QNET help in women empowerment.

Source of Income

The first step in giving women power and resources is to give them a source of income. With QNET, women can start a business of their own and make it a source of income. What makes the direct selling network marketing industry different from others is that it is open for everyone. Anyone who is above the legal age to join and is willing to put in the effort and time can become successful.

Balancing Personal and Professional Life

One of the biggest problem that women face, especially in rural communities in India, is that women are faced with the dilemma of choosing their family or their job. Taking care of a family, especially if there are kids, is a full-time job. But QNET allows you to decide your working hours and to adjust them according to your needs.

No Restrictions

There are very limited opportunities for women who do not have extensive education or work experience. But that is not an issue if you want to join a direct selling business like QNET. As long as you are 21 years or older, you can be a direct seller or Independent Representative for QNET. There are no educational or work experience required. As long as you are willing to put in the time and effort to build a business, you can be sure that you will succeed.


Studies have been shown that women are more apt in the sales industry as they come across as more genuine and convincing. They are also better at picking up cues and signs of interest.

As you can see, QNET and other direct selling businesses are a great means of employment and a second source of income. With the industry expected to hit growth in the coming years, it is perfect for anyone looking to start their own business.  

QNET’s Efforts for a Better World

QNET has always been known for its effort to help improve the health and lifestyle of people around the globe. In addition to the number of high-quality health supplements from Nutriplus and lifestyle products like ORITSU dinnerware, it has also helped millions of people to become financially independent and to run a business of their own. So, join QNET today to begin your journey to financial freedom and stability.

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