QNET Tips: Psychology of Selling


You must all be aware of psychology is. It is the study of the human mind and behaviour. If you want to make it big as a direct selling network marketing entrepreneur in India, you must learn how to make use of human psychology when coming up with a sales pitch or marketing strategy. Let us see some of the psychological factors that affect a buyer and how you can leverage it to close your sale!


In the field of psychology, reciprocity means responding to a positive action with a positive response. When it comes to direct selling, reciprocity means that when you give someone something, they feel the urge to give you something in return.

This is a technique used by many retailers, especially online stores and businesses. By giving away gifts, the seller can create a feeling of reciprocity in their customers. This can also be used to give your customers free samples of new products that they might not otherwise be willing to try out.

If you know anything about the top direct selling companies in Asia like QNET, you will know that customer retention is one of the most important factors that has led to their success and popularity. Creating reciprocity in your customer allows you to retain more customers and convince them to return for future purchases.


It is a known fact that people like to be consistent when making a decision or doing something. This means that if you can convince your customer to make small commitments towards your direct selling network marketing company or product, you will have a better chance of convincing them to buy from you.

You can create a sense of commitment to your customer in several ways. Loyalty points, free trails, newsletters and special discounts for members are just some of the ways that companies have used to convince their customers to try out their products. If you have ever received loyalty points for a service that you have not used in a long time, it is the company trying to create a sense of commitment in you as a customer.


One of the major reasons that top direct selling companies in India like QNET can weather the storm of the pandemic and continue to thrive is because of the connection that they have created with their customer base. If you wish to succeed as a direct selling network marketing business, you must see your customers as more than just buyers of your product and more like members of a community.

Other means of creating this connection is getting popular celebrities to endorse your products, using relatable models to show off your products and by humanizing your company in the About section.


One of the basic rules of economics is that there will be more demand for products if their supply is limited. It is not just important to showcase the benefits of your products, you should also convince your customers that they will miss out on their opportunity if they do not act fast.

One way of creating this demand is by offering limited-edition collections of your products or by inducing a sense of urgency in your buyer by displaying a ‘stock counter’ to show them that you are selling the product like hotcakes.

Social Proof

People love to look at others that they consider higher in the social order when it comes to making decisions on what to buy and use. It is the main psychological factor behind celebrity endorsements and social media influencers. It is also the driving reason behind direct selling network marketing companies as more than 80% of users trust products and brands that their family members and friends recommend.

As a direct seller, you can leverage this social conditioning by displaying sections like ‘people also bought’ or ‘best sellers’. Reviews and ratings are also a means to convincing your customers about the quality of the product and that it comes with the backing of others.


Making a sale might be art, but there is a lot of psychological factors that you can use to make it your masterpiece. If you wish to become a top direct selling business in India, you will have a much better time if you learn to tweak your sales pitch based on these psychological factors.

Read More: Goal Settiing in QNET Direct Selling

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