How to Leverage Social Media for Direct Selling


In this era of social media and digital technology, it would not be wrong to say that every business needs to have social media presence if it wishes to succeed and reach its maximum potential. This is especially true if you are running a direct selling business. Your ability to sell will be heavily dependent on how you market your product and how far your reach extends. And social media is a great tool for both.

Social media has many advantages over conventional media when it comes to marketing and extending reach. It is virtually free, has an unlimited reach and potential and allows you to cultivate a following. All these are aspects that a direct selling business can take advantage of to succeed. But if you want to get the best of social media, I have some tips and tricks for you.

Simply put, it is when a company sells its products directly to its customers via distributors. The distributors get a commission for each product they sell, and the customer gets products at a better deal than from a normal shop. You can already see how social media can play a huge part in making this process easier and efficient.

Social media allows you as a distributor to get your product out to the public’s attention and get orders. While you still have the company’s name and brand backing you up, your success as a direct selling company in India is dependent on your hard work and effort.

Here are some tips with which you can take your direct selling business to new heights with the help of social media.

Find your audience

This is the first step in building a successful direct selling business in 2021. Your audience is your customer and they are what helps you grow as a brand. There is no point coming up with attractive social media marketing ploys on Instagram if your audience does not use the app.

You should first find your audience.

Find out where your targeted audience likes to spend their time. Is it Facebook, Twitter, or WhatsApp that they prefer? All of this can make a difference.

Know your audience

This cannot be emphasized enough. Before you start your social media activity, you should be aware of your core audience and what they like. Who are they? What interests them? What are the issues they face and how can my products help them? By having an idea of what they want, you can connect and communicate better with them.

Blog your heart out!

Create content to attract and impress.

Now that you have found your audience and what they like, it is time to make your content. As your objective is to drive up business and get more leads, you should be making content on a regular basis. Not only does it allow you to stay relevant in social media, but it can also be used to showcase your product, your experience with the products among others.

Marketing through social media gives your product a sense of authenticity. Allow your customers to post testimonials, share videos and more.

Email marketing

Email marketing is not dead. In fact, email marketing can allow you to reach your customer’s inbox directly and can not only influence purchase but also repurchases. It not only keeps your customers engaged with your product information but also streamlines your business operations.

Listen to what others are saying about your product

Always be on the lookout for what others are saying about your product. Always be on the lookout for your name, the name of your product or that of your direct selling business to keep track of what people feel about it. It can be a great source of feedback and suggestions that you can use to improve your product and customer satisfaction.

Allow your customers to refer

Allow your customer to help you build your business.

Allowing your customers to refer their friends and family to a product they like can make a lot of difference if you are trying to run a successful direct selling company in India. Give them a reason to do so. Providing discounts and attractive offers to your customers can be one way of achieving this.

Or you could just impress your customers with the quality and benefits of your product and services, after which they will be more than happy to share their find with their loved ones.

social media impact

Social media can help your direct selling company achieve success.

There are many ways that social media can help you in improving your direct selling business and to bring in more customers and revenue. While using social media for your direct selling company is not a hard task, utilizing it to its best potential requires effort and planning. But, it can make all the difference in the end.

Read More: Why 2021 is the Perfect Time to start a DS business!

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