Using Social Media in your Direct Selling Business!


While coronavirus and the global economic restrictions that came with it has heavily hampered the growth and profits of conventional brick-and-mortar retailers and services, the direct selling industry has been able to stay relatively safe. Even the slight fall it saw at the beginning of the pandemic has been overcome and is back on its upward trajectory.

While a large part of this return to glory can be attributed to the fact that people are no longer adamant about going to retail outlets for their needs, it is also thanks to social media and technology that the distributors have been able to keep in contact with their customers. Not only that, but direct sellers have also been able to use social media to increase their range and showcase their products to a larger number of people.

To make the best of the current global climate and to improve your profits with direct selling, it is important to make good use of social media and the benefits it has over conventional forms of marketing. Here are a few steps that you can take to do to make sure that you are top of your game.

The Power of Instagram and Twitter

Never underestimate the power of a good post. Instagram and Twitter have allowed direct sellers to do what companies in the past had to spend millions on. Instagram and Twitter have allowed individuals to advertise and get their products out to a larger audience than ever before and that too with just the press of a button. There are so many ways and tips that one can follow when using social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter that it deserves an article of its own.

Use Facebook Live more

It is almost a given that a direct selling company will have a Facebook page associated with it. It allows you to share photos of your products and work as a central hub for marketing and communication. People can follow you for the latest updates and the share function allows you to bring the attention of your followers to relevant news and articles. But most people stop it at that. This is a waste of opportunity as Facebook has more to offer when it comes to marketing. For instance, Facebook Live is a great means to interact and market with your followers in real-time.

Even though a Facebook Live video lacks the polish and sophistication of a well-produced advertisement, it shows a kind of authenticity and genuineness that people look for in their distributors. You can use it as a means of communicating and educating the public about the science behind your items than to simply pitch it to them. It also allows you to conduct webinars and conferences in the comfort of your home.

Planning relevant and thought-out content

When you post something, it is important to not only make it attractive and entertaining, you should also make sure that it is relevant and forwards your goals. In a generation where people are being bombarded with too much information, it is important to make good content and not just noise that will go unheard.

Like any marketing company, your success is heavily dependent on what you put out. It is important that you curate your content and constantly be looking for feedback from your customers. It is important to make the customer feel like his voice is being heard.

Creating a community and keeping them engaged

Sometimes, your success might be heavily dependent on the people who follow and support you. There are many examples of people achieving success because of their followers and the same is true when it comes to direct marketing.

It is extremely important to create your community and grow along with it. Success comes easily to such a set up as everyone works for the combined good of the group and not just their own. When there is engagement, the customers can develop a bond with the company.

Efficient use of social media platforms has become a major deciding factor on whether you succeed or not in the direct selling industry. This has been further boosted by the rise in technology and the change in the mindset of customers. And by keeping these simple and effective things in your mind, you will be able to get the most out of it.

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