Unique Benefits Of Nutriplus Monofloral Honey

Many people enjoy honey as a sweetener for many years. Humans have cherished honey for its delicious taste since thousands of years ago. Some researchers say honey has more uses than just sweeteners. Although there is little evidence to support its medicinal properties, it may also have health benefits. Monofloral honey, especially, is considered to be filled with health benefits.

Honey is made from different types of flowers, so the taste, smell, and colour of it are all different. Honey is used in many alternative medicine and home remedies as well.

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Most of the honey sold in stores has been heated to make it less sticky and easier to filter. Honey straight from the hive is filtered through a coarse sieve to remove foreign matter, but it remains unprocessed honey. Since ancient times, honey has been used as a remedy to treat a wide range of ailments, and some hospitals even use honey to treat wounds. But raw honey has additional health benefits.

Pasteurizing honey, which is common in grocery stores, kills yeast, improves the colour, removes crystallization, and extends the shelf life, but also destroys many of the beneficial nutrients.

A good source of antioxidants

Several plant chemicals are found in raw honey, and some types of honey have more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants can help protect your body against damage caused by free radicals.

Research has shown that antioxidant compounds in raw honey, called polyphenols, have anti-inflammatory effects. Free radicals play a role in aging, as well as contributing to chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Several conditions associated with oxidative stress could be protected against by this treatment.

The purest honey – that is, honey that has been minimally processed, unheated, and fresh – contains a variety of powerful bioactives and antioxidants, including flavonoids and phenols. Darker honeys typically contain more antioxidants than lighter varieties.

Various conditions such as premature aging, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease can be caused by the excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Antioxidants neutralize ROS in your body, which can cause cell damage.

Cough Relief for Children

A study found that two teaspoons of honey relieved a child’s nighttime cough and allowed him to sleep. According to health authorities, parents should not use over-the-counter medications to treat young children’s coughs and colds. Children younger than a year are not advised to undergo this procedure.


Allergies can be prevented with the help of monofloral honey

Bee pollen, a mixture of pollen and digestive enzymes from bees, can trigger a serious allergic reaction in some people who are prone to allergies. Honey allergies are rare, but do occur.

Some people believe that honey from local farms improves their seasonal allergies because pollen in honey will desensitize them to airborne pollen. This theory is unproven. You should seek medical treatment for respiratory allergies instead of relying on honey.

Strengthens Immune system

Many of honey’s medicinal properties help in the treatment of sore throats. Honey’s antioxidants and bacteria-fighting properties also help in the treatment of infections caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi as well. Doctors and scientists agree that buckwheat honey has the highest antioxidant content of all honeys and when consumed daily can boost immunity in the long run, which is why honey has been considered among the top immunity boosters for so long. Every morning, honey is advisable to be consumed before breakfast or even exercise to get a boost of energy for the whole day. Honey also works as a toner for kids to boost their immunity.

Boosts your memory

The eternal sweetener, honey, has a variety of health benefits, one of which is boosting memory and concentration during old age. In order to maintain a strong mental health in old age, foods must be consumed that make it possible. It is known that honey enhances brain power and memory as well as making you healthier as a whole. Honey helps prevent metabolic stress and calms and soothes the brain, which facilitates memory improvement in the long run. Honey contains natural antioxidants that are beneficial in boosting the cholinergic system and circulation in the brain, as well as reducing the receding neurons that cause memory loss.

Natural home remedy for Dandruff

Honey is one of the best natural home remedies for dandruff because it helps nourish your hair and scalp, as well as making your hair smooth and soft. Honey and lavender with green tea can also help prevent hair loss. The steps are to mix 2 tablespoons of Nutriplus monofloral  Honey with the same amount of vegetable oil, and then apply this mask to your hair. Let this mask sit on your hair for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Helps with gum diseases

As a result of honey’s anti-bacterial and infection-curing properties, it helps to heal wounds and can be used to treat teeth and gum diseases like gingivitis, bleeding, and plaqueExperts advise the use of raw honey mixed with water as a mouthwash since it releases antiseptic hydrogen peroxide, a powerful antimicrobial agent that prevents bacteria from growing. Additionally, honey is extremely effective at relieving pain, inflammation, and other symptoms of periodontal disease.

Because honey contains antioxidants and propolis, it has several potential health benefits. It can be a great alternative to sugar but only consume it in moderation, as it still behaves like sugar.

Nutriplus Monofloral Honey from QNET India

QNET India has yet again come up with a revolutionary product with the Nutriplus Monofloral Honey. They have released new flavours of Nutriplus Monofloral Honey as of now- Nutriplus Monofloral Honey Karanj and Nutriplus Monofloral Honey Mustard. You get get these honey variants from the QNET India website today!

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