Why Fibre is Important to Stay Healthy | Nutriplus Fibrefit

high fibre food can help prevent diabetes

Plant foods are high in fibre, which is beneficial to your health. Fibre promotes digestive health and lowers the risk of chronic illnesses. Fibrous foods are an important element of a well-balanced diet. Some of these health advantages are provided by Nutriplus FibreFit, which protects your gut bacteria from digestion. The bacteria community within your digestive system, known as your gut microbiota, may be able to protect you from some of these health issues. However, there are distinctions amongst fibres.

A dietary fibre product, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, is a material that the body cannot digest or absorb. Dietary fibre has been shown to treat constipation, prevent it, or at the very least keep it from recurring. Unlike other meal components such as lipids, proteins, and carbs, the fibre goes through your stomach, small intestine, and colon largely undigested. Fibre-rich meals can help you lose weight, and avoid diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers, in addition to lowering your risk of certain ailments. Fibre, which lowers the risk of chronic illness and promotes gut health, should be included in a well-balanced diet.

Normalizes bowel movements

Fibre is a fibre that thickens and softens faeces, increasing its volume and making it easier to pass. The laxative effects of fibre, on the other hand, differ. By increasing weight and absorbing water, fibre can help to solidify loose, watery stools. Fibre consumption appears to be related to the kind and person.

Helps maintain bowel health.

A high-fibre diet may lower the incidence of gastrointestinal issues including haemorrhoids and tiny pouches in the colon (diverticulosis), as well as colorectal cancer. In the colon, fibre is fermented. Fermented fibre is being utilised as a prophylactic strategy for colon disorders.

Lowers cholesterol levels.

In addition to lowering blood pressure and inflammation, high-fibre foods, such as beans, oats, flaxseed, and oat bran, may reduce levels of bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein.

Helps control blood sugar levels. 

Insoluble fibre-rich diets have been demonstrated to lower the chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes in persons who already have it, as well as improve blood sugar levels in diabetics who ingest soluble fibre.

Aids in achieving a healthy weight

Nutriplus FibreFit can help you improve your health and manage weight.

The only dietary modification you need to make to lose weight is to increase your fibre consumption. Fibre-rich foods are often more filling than low-fibre foods, lowering your calorie consumption. Researchers urged adults to take at least 30 grammes of fibre per day, but no further dietary suggestions were given, and high-fibre diets are frequently more satisfying than low-fibre foods. Energy-dense foods have fewer calories per unit volume.

Helps you live longer.

There is evidence that consuming more fibre, particularly cereal fibre, can lower one’s chance of dying from heart disease, cancer, and even circulatory disorders.

Have Healthier Gut Bacteria

You will cleanse and remove toxins from your digestive tract by feeding your microbiome fibre. Fibres inhibit the absorption of soluble substances such as oestrogen, lipids, and excess oestrogen. Short-chain fatty acids are formed during the fermentation process of fibre in your gut, and they offer a wide range of advantages. Reduced inflammation has various advantages, including weight loss and the prevention of practically all major chronic illnesses. Another QNET product that can help you improve your gut health is Nutriplus GutHealth.

Build Strong Bones

Soluble fibres found in asparagus, leeks, soybeans, wheat, and oats, for example, have been demonstrated to boost the bioavailability of minerals like calcium, resulting in better bone density. You can also use Nutriplus BoneHealth to improve the health of your bone. One good supplement that can help improve your bone strength is Nutriplus BoneHealth from QNET India.

 Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome, which includes hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, low HDL levels, obesity, and hypertension, is recognised to contribute to heart disease and diabetes. Diets high in fibre may help minimise these risks.


Diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer, osteoarthritis, and cancer are all linked to having a high body mass index (BMI). Its therapy is restricting one’s calorie intake. Dietary fibre is significant in this regard since it enhances feelings of satiety, causing a person to feel full for longer periods of time and so consuming less calories.

For diabetics, pre-diabetics, and other persons at risk of excessive blood glucose, the type and amount of Fibre that will manage glucose metabolism are critical. Fibre’s positive influence on glucose metabolism has been established in studies on whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Aside from substituting animal products for seasonal fruits and vegetables three or more times each week, additional healthy lifestyle changes may be implemented to optimise glucose metabolism. It is essential to consume high-fibre meals in order to maintain healthy health. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables may also help your body’s metabolic functions. Nutriplus FibreFit should be added to the diet gradually rather than abruptly, as too much fibre can cause belly bloating, gas, and cramps. Nutriplus FibreFit contains soluble fibre derived from natural plant sources (Gum Acacia) that can aid in the promotion of healthy digestion. Nutriplus FibreFit can be consumed as a beverage or sprinkled over meals to improve fibre content. It has no flavour or odour, is heat-resistant, and is simple to add into your diet. Your digestive system will adjust to the change by changing its natural flora.

So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India eStore to get your pack of Nutriplus FibreFit today!

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